What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing art using gentle hands-on touch to transmit the flow of energy. Reiki is used for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation. It is not a substitute for medical or psychological care yet can complement any care.
How does Reiki work?
The body has the ability to heal and complete relaxation is often beneficial to that process. Reiki can facilitate healing and changes in energy or thought patterns. Long term imbalances in the body may benefit from multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.
Is Reiki a religion or religious?
While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. There is nothing that you must believe in for Reiki to work. Reiki healing is for everyone and will work regardless of your spiritual or religious beliefs.
What is an in-person session like?
In person Reiki sessions can be offered laying on a massage table or seated in a chair if you prefer. Reiki is performed fully clothed, I do recommend comfortable clothing. You may choose for an eye pillow to be placed over the eyes and a light blanket for deeper relaxation and comfort. I place my hands gently on the body following a series of established hand positions. You may or may not feel compelled to speak during a session, ideally you would maintain a quiet inward focus. Each session includes a brief intake, the treatment, and concludes with shared feedback.
What will I experience?
This is highly unique to each person and session. It is common to notice a change in temperature or a tingling sensation. Emotions could rise to the surface or other meaningful insights. Additionally, it is ok and common to not notice anything at all because your experience was of complete relaxation. Over night or on into the following days you may begin to notice a shift of mindset or other healing. Since Reiki energy is universal or life energy, the outcomes cannot be predicted or determined by the Reiki practitioner.
Do I have to have my appointment in person?
Reiki energy is not limited by time or distance, so Reiki can be ‘sent’ without the client being physically present. This is easily done and works very well. People may have many reasons to prefer a distance treatment and this is particularly convenient during this time of travel restrictions.
Why 4 sessions to get started?
If you are new to Reiki or have a big issue or concern, I recommend a scheduling a package of sessions within a short period of time. This will help to jump start the process of healing.
Can I gift Reiki sessions to someone?
I can provide a gift certificate in order for you to offer Reiki as a gift. This can be emailed or mailed as you prefer.
Is Reiki only for people? What about my pet?
Animals seem to be drawn to Reiki energy and can benefit from this relaxing therapy as well as people!